"Essential Facts of Equine Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine"

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PLANIFICACIÓN INTEGRAL DE CONGRESOS, S.L.U., with VAT B-44.829.968., (from now on, the “COMPANY”), address at Calle Escritora Emilia Pardo Bazán, 7 portal 1, 2A; D.P.: 14005 - Córdoba, telephone: 957485848, and email: is the owner of the website (from now on, the “Website”) and the person responsible for the processing of the personal data that the user provides when accessing or using the website and all personal data in general that is collected therein or managed by the Company.

The COMPANY informs, through this Privacy Policy, about the treatment and protection of user personal data that may be collected through their browsing or hiring of services carried out on this portal or through other means with the Company. The use of this website by the user implies their acceptance of this Privacy Policy.

The COMPANY adopts the necessary measures to guarantee the security, integrity, and confidentiality of the data following the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council, of April 27, 2016, relating to the protection of natural persons concerning the processing of personal data and the free circulation thereof, and in matters not provided for by Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights and Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce.


The data is collected for the following purposes:

1) Ensure the correct management of the requested conference organization services:

  •  Preparation of budgets for the products or services offered by the person responsible and their subsequent commercial monitoring.
  • Hiring our services by accepting the corresponding budget, order, and/or signing a commercial contract.
  • Provide you with information related to the products and services offered by our company and detailed on this website.
  • Carry out billing for the contracted products and/or services.
  • Guarantee the correct administrative, commercial, fiscal, and accounting management of the company.

In the case of use of the data for the purposes described above, the data processed will be identification data (name, surname, address, postal code, town, province, NIF, email, telephone, mobile) and bank details for management and payment and collection.

2) Event registration:

  • Management of participants' personal data in congresses and other events, including images of participation in the organized event.

In the case of use of the data for the purposes described above, the data processed will be identification data (name, surname, address, postal code, town, province, NIF, email, telephone, mobile, image), professional data, and data. Banking for payment and collection management.

3) Sending conference communications:

  • Management of personal data information of conference participants who present communications on the topics discussed at said events. Publication of images of them.

The personal data processed for this purpose will be identification data (name, surname, address, postal code, town, province, NIF, email, telephone, mobile), professional and specialized knowledge data, and images.

4) Accommodation reservation during the congresses:

  • Management of the participant's personal data to manage accommodation reservations during the event.

In the case of use of the data for the purposes described above, the data processed will be identification data (name, surname, address, postal code, town, province, NIF, email, telephone, mobile), professional data, and bank details for payment and collection management.

5) Sending information, answering queries, and newsletter:

  • Manage queries, complaints, or requests made by the user.
  • Keep you informed about our activities, services, promotions, news, events, and other news that may be of interest to you.

In this sense, the data provided will be those necessary for identification (name, surname, email). The user may object to the sending of commercial communications at any time by sending an email message to the address indicated above.

6) Personnel selection:

  • Carry out personnel selection processes to cover the jobs required by the person responsible.

The data collected for this processing will be identification data (name, surname, address, postal code, town, province, NIF, email, mobile phone), training data, professional experience data, and any other information that the applicant creates. suitable to improve your candidacy for the job.

7) Website:

  • Processing of data obtained through Cookies (see Cookies Policy).
  • Monitoring the use of the website, to avoid and detect fraudulent actions in it, as well as any unauthorized access.

8) Attention to the rights of people:

  • Respond to requests from interested parties in the exercise of the rights established by the General Data Protection Regulation.

The purpose of the processing is in no case intended to create profiles for the personalization of our own or third-party advertising or the analysis of traffic on our website.

We do not make automated decisions based on profiles, except for advertising personalization and internet fraud prevention.

We inform you that you may revoke consent, in each commercial or advertising communication sent to you, and at any time, by notifying the COMPANY's address, mentioned above, or by email to

Legal basis and conservation period:

The processing of personal data provided by the user is carried out under the following legal bases that legitimize it:

– The contracting of services requested from the Company, whose terms and conditions will be made available to the user before a possible contract. To carry out this requested professional relationship, the interested party is obliged to provide their data. The data will be kept for the duration of the contractual relationship.

– Free, specific, informed, and unequivocal consent, both in the sending of a resume, which is voluntary, in the case of sending it from the Company by email, SMS, or any other electronic means of marketing material (promotions, news, etc. .), such as the inclusion of your data or images of the participants in the congress in any section of this website or another publication related to the event, since after reading this Privacy Policy the user is informed and If you agree, you can accept it through a statement or a clear affirmative action, such as checking a box provided for this purpose.

If the interested party does not provide the data or it is erroneous or inaccurate, we will not be able to respond to your request, making it impossible to provide you with the requested information.

The data will be kept as long as you do not request your cancellation.

As we have previously informed you, you will have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, without affecting the legality of the treatment based on the consent before its withdrawal.

- The legal obligations that the Company must comply with, for which the processing of your data is necessary, for example, the issuance of invoices or presentation of taxes to the public administration or to attend to the rights that you request from us.

- The legitimate interest that assists us in the processing of contact data and, where applicable, those related to the function or position held, of natural persons who provide services in a legal entity, when the processing refers only to the data necessary for their professional location and that the purpose of the treatment is solely to maintain relations of any kind with the legal entity in which the affected party provides their services.

- Conservation of data: The data will be kept for the duration of the contractual relationship and subsequently for the legally required periods. The images that could be obtained through video surveillance cameras will be deleted within one month.


In general, the COMPANY will not communicate these personal data to third parties, with the exception that the provision of a service implies the need for a contractual relationship with a data processor and this is strictly necessary to manage and maintain the relationship between the user and the aforementioned company, with prior express authorization from the user. This will be done only during the time essential to enable the execution of the custom contract, and under the same conditions and with the same responsibility that is required of the person responsible. Once the order has been completed, the person in charge of processing will return the personal data to the Controller and delete any copy they have.

On the other hand, only third parties with whom the COMPANY has a legal or contractual obligation to provide them will have the right to access these personal data, including the SEPE in the field of subsidized training, the Judges, and Courts in the procedures related to possible claims submitted.

International data transfers are not planned.

Rights of interested parties:

The user may exercise at any time, in the terms established in current legislation, the rights of access, rectification or deletion of data, request that the processing be limited, oppose it, request the portability of their data, as well as revoke the consent given, rights recognized in the aforementioned Regulation (EU). The user can carry out the exercise of these rights by contacting the Company at the address of its registered office indicated above or by sending an email to the email address For the effective exercise of these rights, the user must prove their identity by providing their name and surname, photocopy of their DNI or equivalent identification document that proves their identity, request in which the request is specified, the address for notification purposes, and date. and signature of the applicant.

Likewise, the user may complain to the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD), especially when they have not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of their rights, by writing it, to C/. Jorge Juan, no. 6; DP.: 28001 – Madrid, or through the web: